Monday, October 4, 2010

Almost over

Well our time away in almost over. After all the time planning all the details for this holiday it's hard to believe that it is all coming to a rapid close. We will return home with many precious memories and a great appreciation for what we have in Australia.

Upon reflection, I don't think the kids have really grasped the awesomeness of what they have been able to experience. Any one part of our trip would have been a once in a lifetime trip, but putting it all together has created an unbelievable journey of learning, comparison and adventure. We will , in some ways, be glad to come home to our own little corner of the world .... but yet we'll be sad that our journey will have concluded.

Our good fortune with the weather came to an end today. We tried hard to ignore the drizzle and continued on with our planned activities of star gazing. A bus trip touring the star's homes started the day. There are some VERY big houses here! Andrew has decided that at a push he could live in Bel Air! Dream on!!! While we didn't spot any actual stars (surprise, surprise) wwe did see where many live.

Beverly Hills is a very exclusive suburb. They have many quirky things they are famous for. The street signs are different to other suburbs. The fire hydrants here are coloured silver (as opposed to yellow everywhere else in LA). This is because they felt it was a more appropriate colour! There are ally ways behind the homes where the rubbish trucks can drive to collect the rubbish bins, without detracting from the lovely front vision of the homes. Can you believe it?!

I've included a photo of a very exclusive store where you cannot just walk in, but you must make an appointment. The designer makes suits, which START from $15,000.

1 comment:

  1. How many suits did you order Andrew??
    Hope you have a good flight home. See you soon
